Water Filter Operation

Water Filter Operation
Picture 2 of 62

Miguel explains how the bucket filters work. The filter is composed of two buckets, the bottom bucket holds clean, filtered water and has a spigot for dispensing the water for our villagers. The top bucket holds unfiltered water and has the filter attached to its bottom. The filter (next picture) is encased in a canister attached to the top bucket. This canister serves a critical function, keeping the filter moistened. The filter, once wet, cannot become dried-out. The canister has holes along its top rim to retain water, and spill clean water into the bottom bucket for storage. Additionally, there is a sieve that sits on top of the top bucket to catch particulate matter before it hits the filter. This lengthens the life of the filter.

Meta data

Camera / Type Galaxy S24 Ultra
Aperture F 1.7
Focal Length 6.3 mm
Shutter speed 1/60 sec
Date / Time 1725199924